Welcome to
Fort Garry United
Our Mission:
Engaging people of all ages in Christian spiritual growth that leads to outreach ministry.
We are a congregation that is energized and forward seeking; feeling an optimism and momentum for the direction we are taking; believing God is journeying with us.
We are a church committed to strengthening who we are as a community both within and outside the church walls so that others who are seeking may find a church home that nourishes their spirit, heart, and mind.
Explore our website! Find out who we are! Then visit us, whether you are looking for a place to feel God’s presence for one day, or a place where you can finally say “I’m home” and continue your faith journey.
Fort Garry United Church is an Affirming Ministry
As people of the God of love, we welcome all ages, all income levels, varied physical and mental abilities, differing gender identities, sexual orientations, ethnicities, and family types. The people of Fort Garry United Church declare our commitment to continue to create a welcoming space where all people feel loved, respected and invited into full participation in the life and work of the church.
100 Years of Memories
Meet our congregation in this short video created in 2021 to celebrate our 100th anniversary.
We are offering both in person and Zoom service every Sunday at 10:30 AM. To join the Zoom service, click the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87230580335?pwd=ZGorWWUzdjRRRkxGV1RZZ0NFSWdUUT09
We are using the same link for every Sunday.
We are also offering the option to join by telephone conference
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