Reverand Kwang Beom Cho

The Search Team is excited to introduce you to Reverand Kwang Beom Cho. At the Congregational Meeting on June 7, 2023 the congregation of Fort Garry United Church unanimously voted to issue a call to Rev. Cho. The call was approved by the Prairie to Pine Regional Council on June 13, making it official.

Caring is the word the Search Team heard over and over when we spoke with the references for Rev. Cho. We heard of his deep spirituality, ability to solidly connect with people, and his proven record of relating to youth and providing programming. We learned he can look for solutions to difficult situations and respectfully bring resolution. The more we spoke with Rev. Cho and his references, we truly felt the spirit and grew inspired by his ideas. Adding in his love for music and its importance in worship, we realized we had found the minister for Fort Garry United Church. The Search Team has discerned that Reverend Cho’s ministry would serve our congregation and truly enhance each member’s faith experience.

Since 2009 Reverend Cho has been the minister of the Korean United Church of Winnipeg, which co-owns the Churchill Park United Building in Lord Roberts. The two congregations have held many joint services, and a strong collaboration existed between the former Churchill Park United Minster, Rev. Janet Walker, now Rev. Dawn Rolke, Rev. Cho, and both congregations.

Kwang Beom came to Canada in 2007 from South Korea where he worked as a Presbyterian minister for seventeen years, obtaining Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Theology from Hanshin University. After arriving in Canada impressed with the church’s open mindedness and affirming culture he felt called to the United Church of Canada.

Reverend Cho has also been heavily involved with the Prairie to Pine Regional Council and the United Church Intercultural Committee. He is realistic about the situation of small churches today but is driven to keep Fort Garry a community place of God. He is full of ideas for our future and is excited about working with the congregation to grow our church together



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