Early Ploen Memories
We joined Fort Garry United Church in 1972 when we moved to Fort Garry. It was a vibrant church then and Don Frame with the minister. We remember Christmas and Easter Services and you would have to get there 1/2 hour or so before the service to get a seat. There were extra chairs put in the middle isle and along the sides.
Our children were young then and attended Sunday School, Brownies, Girl and Boy Scouts and the young people’s group. I was a Sunday School teacher and Ken served on several committees. The church played a big part in our life.
Our two daughters were married at Fort Garry United Church and Gordon Taylor performed the ceremony. Enclosed are a couple pictures of their special day. Notice the red carpet.
Joining Unit 7, as it was called then, has given me an opportunity to get to know some of the members a lot better. We are saddened by what has happened to the church, not only FGUC but to a lot of churches in their attendance and the lack of young people. We just hope that they will find their way back to the church and it will become part of their life again.
By Janet and Ken Ploen
Jan Ploen's daughter’s wedding
Jan Ploen's other daughter's wedding